LumosWifi Services
Protection for your data, devices, and personal information

Check to see if your data has been compromised.
Your customers data needs to be safe. With our Data Protection Service, all data is backed up in case something happens. We’ll keep and maintain multiple, reliable copies of all securely encrypted data.
Our Bitwonx data management and service saves your data via the 3-2-1 rule, which means having your data in 3 places, using a minimum of 2 different mediums (eg. cloud storage, USB, Hard drive), and having 1 back-up off-site.
Save device images and data backups and store them locally on a network drive and encrypted in the cloud. Daily versioned back-ups are available to restore after hardware failure or ransomware attack.
Resting data encryption ensures that if your drive is stolen, your data is unreadable to the criminal. Your data in the cloud is also encrypted.
Daily versioning features allow you to go back in time to access files you have since changed or deleted.
Your data cannot be modified or deleted by hackers.
Protect yourself from falling victim to ransomware. We’ll install Managed Endpoint Security in your router and all connected devices.
Our Managed Endpoint Security includes:
- Anti-virus
- Intrusion detections & prevention
- Patch management
- Safe surfing internet
- Malware & ransomware protection
- System hardening
LumosWiFi provides constant antivirus and malware protection combined with risk management, vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection to ensure the laptops and PCs stay protected against malware, ransomware, and viruses, without you having to do a thing. Risk Management and Analytics continuously scans for misconfigurations and application vulnerabilities.
Our IDS/IPS uses a two-way firewall that monitors traffic, and blocks intrusions and hijack attempts. Your devices receive automatic security updates for protection against newly discovered vulnerabilities.
Patching is a term used in IT that means keeping all programs, apps, browsers, operating systems, and firmware current with manufacturers’ security updates. This removes the threat posed by hackers taking advantage of known security exploits that device manufacturers have already released fixes for.
Our Password Manager enables you to maintain very secure passwords without having to remember them and type them in every time. Using Post-it Notes and paper copy logs are less secure and easily accessed by anyone who can see them.
MFA requires that, in addition to a unique ID, you use at least 2 of the following 3 authentication methods: something you know (password or passphrase), something you have (token device, smart card digital certificate), or something you are (biometric fingerprint, face or retinal scan).
Our system detects phishing attempts that come through your email and also helps train your employees to identify them.
Network and Internet
Stop viruses and malware from traversing the network to your devices. We’ll keep your network safe and free of problems by managing bandwidth allocation and all essential network security.
Your network is made up of routers, switches and wireless APs. Just like your laptops and workstations, network devices need continual firmware updates to stay secure. We patch your network to keep it current with the list of latest CVEs, or Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, that are issued for your hardware.
We also employ malware protection for your internet connection, making sure that users do not visit websites that are infected with malware. The malware is designed to infect devices that simply browse a hacker’s site or a legitimate website that is infected by a hacker. This includes AI-powered protection against active and emerging phishing URLs including zero-minute threats blocks malware, phishing, viruses, ransomware & malicious sites.
Eliminates malicious content at the source and sets up policies for what is acceptable employee and/or customer content.
Best of the best
LumosWiFi’s cyber security and IT management provides economical solutions
Our flat monthly fee makes it easy to budget for outsourced IT. There are no fees for phone calls or easy-to-resolve small issues, and we are easy to reach when you need help.